Gender-Neutral Restrooms Available on Pleasantville

Jonathan Calixto, Featured Writer

Pace’s Pleasantville campus currently has seven gender-neutral restrooms.

The first gender-neutral restroom opened in Kessel Student Center’s second floor during its construction last semester.

Six additional gender-neutral restrooms have since been opened in Choate House, Willcox Gym, the Art Building, Lienhard Hall, the Office of Student Assistance, and the Counseling Center.

Gender-neutral restrooms consist of one toilet, a urinal, sink, mirror, and sidebars for handicap users.

These restrooms were created following the petition of a transgendered man at Pace and after years of student interest in creating a safer campus for LGBTQ students.

In 2010, Pace added gender identity and expression to the Non-Discrimination Policy. They would later add

a Queer Studies Minor that included courses on Transgender Studies. In 2011, an LGBTQA & Social Justice Center was created to provide consistent administrative support to LGBTQA students.

In 2013, Pace added sexual reassignment surgery and hormone treatments to the student Health and Sickness Policy to cover transition-related medical care. The same year, the university created a preferred name system that allows students to use a first name that matches their gender identity on their campus e-mail, course rosters, campus identification, and other internal systems.

However, Assistant Director of Multicultural Affairs and Diversity Rachel Simon believes the benefit of gender-neutral restrooms is not limited to the LGBTQ community, but also extends to anyone uncomfortable using a public restroom. Simon advocates that these restrooms are necessary for “people who want their privacy.”

“Most people grew up in a mixed gender household, and have learned to use mixed gender bathrooms,” Simon said.

Despite their growing prominence on campus, many students admitted that they were unaware of the available gender-neutral restrooms on campus.

“I didn’t really know where they were, I just heard they were on campus,” Matthew Indik said. “I’m even shocked to hear there is more than one.”

More gender-neutral bathrooms will be constructed in the new facilities that will open by Fall 2015. To locate the nearest single or gender neutral restroom visit