Foods to Liven Up the Digestive Palate

Kaitlyn Szilagyi, Health & Beauty Editor

The more colors represented on a plate, the healthier the plate, or so it’s said. Certain foods, colorful and healthy, have been noticed within the list of foods included in Mediterranean culture which are easy to come by and rich in nutritional value, according to Yoga Journal’s Marjorie Korn.

To begin, pomegranates are a wonderful, low-calorie snack. They offer four grams of fiber and triple the amount of antioxidants as red wine or green tea, as encouraged in previous articles. Antioxidants are substances which reduce damage of oxidation. In addition, pomegranates are high in Vitamin C which is necessary for growth and development as well as vitamin K which supports bone health. Furthermore, pomegranates contain B5, which boosts metabolism and helps convert food to glucose, thus providing the body with energy. Last but not least, pomegranates have little fat content and absolutely no cholesterol.

Freekeh is a cereal made from green wheat which is high in protein and fiber. This high protein and fiber is filling and can keep individuals from overeating throughout the day. Protein is important for it allows the body to create and repair tissue and is a significant element in the development of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Simultaneously, fiber is catalytic in the digestive system, keeping individuals regular and thus less physically uncomfortable and at less risk for other health problems. Freekeh can be paired with Greek yogurt as well as fruit and honey.

Olive oil is the healthiest replacement for butter. It has been shown to help prevent disease as well as counter the effects of aging. When cooking on the stove, be it eggs or chicken or any such thing, be sure to try and use olive oil rather than butter to cut calories, fat, carbohydrates and more.

Finally, cumin is made from the seeds of a plant which is often then used as a spice, particularly (though not exclusively) in curry. Marjorie Korn would have it known that cumin contains “22 percent of your daily iron, a mineral necessary for keeping your energy up.” Traditionally cumin has been used to reduce inflammation, aid digestion and proper processing of foods through the body, and suppress muscle spasms. Otherwise, it adds a pleasant scent and flavor to recipes which generations of people have come to enjoy.

For those on campus who do cook for themselves, try these small steps toward a fortified nutritional diet. Otherwise, feel free to take these tips home and share them with family and friends who might benefit.