A Freshman’s Guide to Pace

Photo courtesy of collegeboundstl.org

Photo courtesy of collegeboundstl.org

Josiah Darnell, Opinion Editor

The transition from High School to College can be simple or complex. It all depends on the preparation of the individual and how well they can adapt. College is all about adapting to things and people. It is also about time management and responsibility.

“Time is Money”, is a phrase that many people are familiar with, and in college, “Time is Money” is accurate. Time management is a huge factor in the development of a college student, particularly freshman. Freshman year will be a chance to explore and indulge in all that the university has to offer. Whether it be clubs, teams, jobs, organizations, etc. It’s good to get involved, but it’s not good to allow the extra-curriculars to interfere with classes and other educational priorities that tend to outweigh them. That’s where time management comes into play. The ability to compartmentalize and balance everything you involve yourself in will enhance the success you have in college.

The first week of classes in college is known as syllabus week. The reason being is that most professors won’t start lectures until they have reviewed the syllabus with the class. Once the syllabus is reviewed, you are on your own from there. The syllabus will be a guideline as to what assignments will be given, collected, and graded for the entire semester. This is where the responsibility aspect kicks in. The professor will very rarely remind their students of what will be due. They expect you to keep track of that through the syllabus. Being on time and staying throughout the duration of the class falls into the responsibility category as well. The first ten minutes and the last ten minutes of class are critical. That’s where the topic for the day’s lecture and the upcoming days lectures will be discussed.

Knowing your professors is key too. How well an individual knows their professor determines how much amount of leeway is given for certain situations. Knowing your professor will work in your favor. Knowing other faculty members will work to your advantage as well. That would fall into the category of networking. Networking brightens your future and broadens your horizons. At the end of your college career, you will be happy you met that certain faculty member, got their contact info and stayed in contact with them.

Another tip is to have fun. Yes, college requires responsibility, hard work, dedication and all the other character building stuff, but a little rebellion is advised here and there. Having fun builds relationships and allows you to create memories which are an extremely huge part of the college experience. Four years will go by quick, so make as many memories you can.