Sausage Mess


The movie poster for Sausage Party (photo courtesy of the Sausage Party Facebook page)

Susan Aracena, Arts and Entertainment Editor

This summer the movie Sausage Party was released. I, like many others, have seen the risk-ay and funny commercials and was eager to see the full movie but I didn’t know what to expect.

I had known that my mother, younger sister, and my grandmother went to see it in Florida a week before I did. When I asked my grandmother how she liked the movie she responded that “it was cute.” Not knowing anything about the movie, I assumed that the cartoon movie like many other cartoon movies, would end up being “cute.” But… I WAS WRONG

The moment I stepped out of the theater after watching that movie I realized that my grandma’s definition of “cute” was a bit… loose.

First of all this movie should not be shown to kids! it is rated R. My little sister is 14 and saw this movie with my mom and grandmother. That led me to ask myself three questions:

  1. How the hell did my sister get to sway my mom into buying her tickets for this movie?
  2. How many kids actually saw the show?
  3. How uncomfortable can it be watching this movie be with your mom to your the right and your grandmother to your left?

But my sister was not the only child who got to see this painfully raunchy film. There were about 20 other under the age kids watching the movie at the theater that I was in.

It’s rated R for a reason!

Finally, Sausage Party got an 82% on rotten tomatoes and to be quite honest, I don’t know how. I don’t want to spoil the movie but, the ending was the worst part. There were a couple clever jokes throughout the movie but the funniest and, in my opinion, the best ones were already shown in commercials and trailers before hand.

SO… Don’t pay to watch Sauage Party. It’s a waste of time.