Have a Healthy Perspective Regarding Sex

Kaitlyn Szilagyi, Health & Beauty Editor

Sex does not need have the negative connotations surrounding slut shaming or rape culture. It is a natural activity that can benefit human health.

According to Kara Myer Robinson of WebMD, sex has natural health benefits. It can boost the immune system; improve energy levels, and lower blood pressure. In addition, sex counts as a form of exercise, burning as much as five calories per minute. Sex can also improve sleep. After sex, “the hormone prolactin is released, which is responsible for feelings of relaxation and sleepiness,” psychiatrist Sheenie Ambardar said in Robinson’s article.

Sex can be confusing and difficult to a relationship. Influences like the media, family, and religion can create many preconceived beliefs for individuals, regarding whether or not they should embrace their sexuality and what is appropriate or inappropriate. With all these influences in mind, it can be difficult for someone to be aware of what he or she considers important for their own needs and safety as well. Still, this element of self-awareness and self-knowledge is crucial.

If one is sexually active, it is best to be open about his or her own wants and needs. It is equally helpful if one is genuinely open and curious as to their partner’s wants and needs. If this is the case, there will likely be less misunderstandings and/or hurt feelings in the long term. If rejected by a partner, it is okay to feel bummed. There is no need to bottle it up or act out aggressively. At the same time, if one rejects a partner, being honest about when you do or don’t want it, and why, can help open the lines of communication as well as sponsor trust and understanding between individuals. Technology can prove distracting to any relationship, so it may be wise to also detach from the cell phone and television once in a while to gain some meaningful quality time with a significant other.

Remember also that relationships are not all about sex. Spending quality time together by going out to dinner, watching a movie, hanging out with friends, etc. is healthy and supports a healthy relationship in addition to a healthy sex life. While sex can be fun, it should also be consensual and safe. With any questions or concerns, students can always visit Health Services or speak to a primary care physician.