COVID-19 precautions has led to new campus layouts and flexibility for transitioning modalities.
Pace has taken a variety of steps to protect the health and safety of all students, staff and faculty. These changes have lead to alterations in a variety of spaces on campus. As classes begin and student move-in, it will be a learning process to navigate new circulation patterns and find spaces on campus for eating, work and classes.
Signage has been posted on seats in common areas, as well as certain classrooms. The green circle indicates that those seats can be utilized. The red signs indicate that it is not a permitted seat.
Outdoor Seating is expected to be more prominent at the start of the semester. These seats all indicate appropriate seats based on the colors of the stickers.
Noticeably missing from the second floor of the Student Center is the piano.
Seating inside Kessel has decreased to meet the capacity requirements.
With limited seating in the more popular areas on campus, students may have to adjust their study spots and alter locations. Elm Hall Lobby is one of the larger spaces for students on-campus.
Circulation patterns are located all over campus. Students should provide extra time for themselves in getting to class. Many short-cuts cannot be taken with one-way patters. Furthermore, there is signage on staircases to indicate whether they are to go up or down.
Signage in the Elevators indicate which way people should face.
Self-Cleaning buttons are being implemented in all elevators.
Here is an example of the air-sprayed circles displayed on some of the lawns to encourage social distancing outdoors.
The library has been completely transformed with individual work stations, limited group seating, the napping station and the desk bikes have been removed for the time being.
The library is implementing book pick-ups.
The dining hall has implemented new rules for the semester. There will be limited capacity, circulation and no-self serve stations. In addition, food will be a set price and will not be charged based on weight.Furthermore, Grubhub is being used for student to order food ahead of time and then pick it up at grub hub station.
The campus bookstore is open for in-person service, but they are encouraging online purchase as well.
Plexiglass has been placed in a variety of locations on campus, such as the bookstore, dining hall, dean’s suite, library etc..
Bathroom’s will have 6ft markings on the floor and will close off every other sink. In addition, hand dryer’s cannot be used.
The facilities team at Pace just received red knobs that they will be placing over all the water fountains on campus.
Larger spaces, like Gottesman, are being used as classrooms.Facilities will be changing the desks in this specific area prior to Monday. But the seats are there for 6ft distance measures.Instructors will have plexiglass available in their classrooms. Instructors are not required to utilize this measure.Classrooms that are not in-use may be open to students as a place to take their zoom classes.
Zoom machines have been placed in classrooms to provide in-person and online instruction.