Students across campus have touched base with the many ser- vices that Pace has to offer in- cluding the Writing Center.
The Writing Center, now lo- cated in Miller Hall, provides students with assistance in vari- ous writing assignments. And, with the semester just beginning, a journey full of MLA, APA, and Chicago writing styles is well un- der way.
In the spring 2013 semester,
the staff at the Writing Center ini- tiated numerous changes aimed at further benefitting students.
“You’ll notice more un- dergraduate students working rather than professors and gradu- ates,” senior English major Cori Connors said. “It provides stu- dents with a comfortable environ-
ment rather than feeling intimi- dated by their professors.”
Even with a staff of students, there is still a selective hiring process. According to Professor Andrew Stout, Coordinator of the University Writing Center, a prospective staff member must submit an application, writing sample, and a recommendation from a faculty member who can speak about the student’s writing. The student’s class standing is ad- ditionally considered in order to work as a peer consultant.
It is anticipated that the Writ- ing Center’s recent changes will increase the number of students being reached and enhance pro- ductivity with regard to their ap- pointment-based system.
In the past, the center worked on a walk-in basis, resulting in some students waiting for twenty minutes or more to be seen.
Being on an appointment sys- tem allows students to prepare any questions and have a consul- tant’s full attention for 30 minutes or an hour, up to twice a day.
The Writing Center also now features an online tutorial alterna- tive by using Google Docs.
“Students who may not be able to come in for a session are able to have one through Google, and see any comments or ask any questions, just like in a face-to- face session,” Stout said.
The Pace Chronicle
Wednesday, septeMBer 25, 2013 page 2
New Pace students, whose e- mails now operate through Mi- crosoft Outlook, are able to uti- lize online sessions through this medium as well.
Students can e-mail their as- signment to the Writing Center, and the document will be shared back with the student upon revi- sion along with notes and chang- es that need to be made. .
Student organizations and classes also take advantage of the many services the Writing Center provides.
In the past, there have been workshops that educate students on writing styles and how to im- prove their writing (structured or creative).
Since the semester has just be- gun, events and co-sponsorships won’t begin just yet, however, one may receive a visit in their English class.
Professors across campus are bringing in the writing sources to speak with students and inform them of all they have to offer.
In the University 101 classes, incoming freshmen will receive a better understanding of the role the center plays on campus and how they can utilize it to their ad- vantage.
For more information about the Writing Center, its new lo- cation, and hours, visit the Pace University website.