Pace Kicks Out Cancer

Photo by Gerald Olvera

Photo by Gerald Olvera

Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) is celebrating its ten year anniversary at Pace University, which started off Breast Cancer awareness month by “kicking out cancer” on October 11.

“Believe in Beauty” is CAC’s annual event to raise awareness for the struggle of people fighting cancer. A banner labeled “Kick out Cancer,” allowed participants to literally stomp out cancer.

Bright yellow boots with black soles were coated with hot pink paint. Students planted boot prints all over the banner and especially the word “cancer.”

Pink and white balloons filled the Gottesman Room and the tables were covered with pink table cloths. Each table was decorated with bottles of bubbles, pens, and other cancer awareness schwag.

The event focused on awareness of how physical side effects from recovery often lower a patient’s morale and well-being. Hair loss and skin damage are but a few symptoms that jeopardize personal appearance.

“Everyone is beautiful, it doesn’t matter how you look,” CAC Faculty Advisor, Dr. Melissa Cardon said. “We believe in the beauty of everyone regardless whether you are going through cancer treatment or not.”

Believe in Beauty, operating in its fifth year, switches up exhibits each year. Some years they would paint nails and shave heads. Each exhibit is a reflection of beauty and how its implementation can make you feel beautiful and confident.

The Gottesman Room was divided into areas with tables that hosted different exhibits. You could make a small donation and decorate a tie-dye t-shirt. Students had the option to choose over 20 colors for decorating.

There was another table that displayed information, statistics, and how Pace students are helping in the fight against cancer.

A photo booth with a bright pink back drop was draped on a section of the wall, surrounded by balloons, and students could take photos in groups or individually.

“It’s all about having fun and raising cancer awareness,” a sophomore, Brianna Stapleton said. “It’s also about getting more people involved and participating with our team to raise as much funds as we can.”

The funds raised by this event directly contribute to American Cancer Society programs across the country.

However, there are many cancer awareness events that never happen on a yearly basis, but the CAC plans to continue this event next year.

“Believe in Beauty was established to raise awareness for breast cancer and to help support the ‘Look Good Feel Better’ program of the American Cancer Society (ACS),” CAC President, Morgan Hennessey said. “We think it’s very important to raise awareness of all that the American Cancer Society does.”