Pace’s Pforzheimer Honors College has made changes this year to better the lives of stu- dents and allow for greater op- portunity while studying.
“The Honors College wants to become more involved as a whole by incorporating the ideas of students for the students,” Di- rector of the Pforzheimer Honors College Dr. Shelia Chiffriller said. “With the involvement of students we hope to have more event attendance, greater par- ticipation inside and outside of the Honors College, as well as increased opportunities for Pace students.”
Last Wednesday the Honors
College had their first event, the annual Ice Cream Social, in which the year’s plans were pre- sented. There are several new events that are encouraging the Honors College students to feel more like a group that can work together.
“Start Your Week with the Honors College,” one of the new events, offers free bagels and coffee weekly for honors college students. The event takes place every Monday on the third floor of the Mortola Library.
Due to the involvement of more students than ever before, honors committees will be es- tablished through an election in October.
Yearly positions in the Hon- ors College Student Government, Event Planning Committee, and a Recruitment Committee are three of the soon-to-be organi-
zations that the Honors College is establishing. Because only students can hold positions, this will directly influence the future
“As long as there is attendance at events and there are responses to e-mails, there is a lot of opportunity for doing what students want.”
decisions of the Honors College. Some of this year’s request- ed events were discussed at last
Wednesdays social.
There will be events geared towards many different people. Those interested in sports can look forward to attending a foot- ball game at MetLife Stadium, touring MetLife Stadium, visit- ing the National Baseball Hall of Fame, and attending a Yankees game.
Events that are geared to- wards the arts are attending Broadway and Off-Broadway shows and other plays that may be of interest.
Event times and locations will be determined later this year. “As long as there is atten- dance at events and there are responses to emails regarding to the events there is a lot of op- portunity for doing what students
want,” said Chiffriller.
One of this year’s incentives
to encourage students to attend at least five events hosted by the
honors college is an Honors Col- lege sweatshirt.
There is a greater interest in creating a more technology driv- en Honors College. With the cre- ation of a new technology com- mittee, the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the college might provide a new form of news for the students in addition to the emails and online newsletter that they will be receiving. The news- letter will cover both past and fu- ture events.
There is even an event dedi- cated to the technological ad- vancements, “ TheiPad and iPhone Event” that will help stu- dents learn to shoot videos and edit them for the Honors College website.
With all of the new advance- ments the Honors College looks forward to a year of student de- velopment and change.