Sister Susan Becker led a holiday meditation behind the first row of Townhouses on Dec. 3.
The holiday meditation is now the third meditation session that Sister Susan has led at the Townhouses. Many students have attended each of the sessions and despite the weather conditions have enjoyed an experience of stress relieving self-finding.
Sister Susan began the meditation by explaining how many students find great stress in the coming weeks due to the ending of the semester. She started by saying that by sitting aside just once in a while to get away from the stress and lift some of the worry away, one’s mind can be refreshed and one can experience a sense of rejuvenation.
“With the holidays rolling in, many find that going home to be with family can be stressful as well. Taking time like this to be with yourself and know what it is that you want out of a situation can help relieve some of that stress,” Becker said. “I am very glad that we can have these sessions because, even though I meditate all the time, a group meditation has a different experience and having these sessions forces me to be able to have that experience.”
The idea of “letting go of the stressors and having them float away” was one of the main things that Sister Susan’s meditation focused on.
“The weight being lifted and the body being free” was how she described the experience of ridding the body of the stress that can be stored in the back, neck, and shoulders. Lifting this “weight of stress” off of the body provides one with a clearer mind and one that can be more prepared for finals and the holidays that are to come.
Sister Susan was very grateful for the students that came out to support the meditation and add to the experience, and whether the students were asked to be there or they came on their own accord, many of them enjoyed the experience.
Students may look forward to more sessions with Sister Susan in the spring semester and the incorporation of her guided experiences in some of the events as well.