Whenever we navigate ourselves through the world, we tend to forget that there are other people doing the same. We get so wrapped up in ourselves, in our problems; in our lives that we forget that other people are aimlessly roaming the world too. We think we’re the only people going through problems or struggle and deflect those problems on other people. However, we also tend to forget that that deflection has a consequence.
Just because we have issues going on in our own lives does not give us free reign to lash out at people. In ‘Kim and Kourtney Take Miami,’ Kim is constantly haggling Kourtney about motherhood. She consistently says rude comments about being a mother, saying that her sister has become a slob, boring and she has a new view of what she thought motherhood would be like. Kourtney got sick of her saying these mean statements about her life choices and told Kim to leave her opinion of her choices alone.
She didn’t know that Kim was upset about her own chances of getting pregnant as a 50 year old woman. She was deflecting her unhappiness in her own situation on her sister, the person she loved the most and that had the life she wanted. She realized how wrong she was in taking out her misplaced anger on Kourtney, a result that not many people come to. Often times when people are unhappy they do not know where to place their anger.
We can get so consumed with everything that is going wrong in our lives that we walk around the world alone. We assume we are free of consequences, free of the possibility that someone will not understand why we are so miserable. As human beings we have to try to avoid letting our emotions consume us, because the result of that consumption is a place of hurt people hurting people. There is no one to blame for how we feel when we hurt others because of it. We can’t expect people to understand whatever it is that is making us upset when the manner in which we express that hurt is by being just as terrible as the people who hurt us.
Going through struggle or strife in life should inspire us to never put another human being through that pain. Rather than recognizing that we were once all blank pallets before we encountered the hurt we endured can prevent us from tainting others. But instead, we use our struggle as a crutch or an excuse for not knowing how to act.
We then try to find the person who is most vulnerable in their life – the person who loves us the most – and use them as their punching bag. It is almost as if our hurt creates a daze, a fog that blocks us from acknowledging how we treat people. The only thing we can ever do to escape this is to remain aware of the people around us. Not to get too self important that we lose our sense of foresight.