Models, musicians, ac- tors, and Kim Kardashian all seem to have something very similar in common. Whether it be the ability to sing 16 bars off the top of their head, or move audiences to tears, both comically and dramatically, they all have the ability to culti- vate crowds. That, however, was not the only determining factor in their rise to fame. Rather, it was another common factor–dashing good looks and the ability to use them as a means of getting ahead in life.
Everyone knows that
Kristen Stewart was only cast be- cause the one face she is capable of making is fairly attractive, as opposed to leaving audiences awestruck by her acting ability after her performance in Twilight.
Good old-fashioned hard work just isn’t appreciated in many circles. Unfortunately, if your attractiveness is subpar, then you have a very little chance at making it big. If you are one of the few that happens to have lackluster looks and still makes it, chances are that you will undergo some sort of makeover once you
enter the upper crust.
In today’s society there is an ideal that typecasts anyone that is gifted in the physical appearance category as being able
to manipulate anything and ev- eryone into giving them what they desire. Furthermore, ac- cording to this social stigma, those who are considered average or less than average have to work substantially harder to achieve those very things.
Not only is this com- pletely ridiculous, but it is also unnerving to think that I might be passed over for something that I am more than qualified for be- cause someone with better looks decided to stroll in to the office on the same day. The work ethic of many people today is absolutely atrocious as it is, and now, we also add in the fact that a particu- lar person can be handed things on a silver platter solely because society deemed them to be beautiful.
In an ideal world, everyone would be afforded the same opportunities in life no matter what they looked like or what background they came from. Ironically, the joke is on them because if someone is used to us- ing what they’ve got to get what they want, in the future when their looks are gone and they’ve got no discernible skillset, then they will likely end up just like the child stars on the “Where Are They Now” specials.