Some people are blessed enough to have it all figured out by the time they begin college. Some people don’t have it figured out at all. If you are like me, then you started out with an exact plan of what you were going to do and the time frame in which you were going to do it, but then you got to the University of your choos- ing and were knocked flat on your
College is just the place
to do it, because although we may think we have an idea of who we are and what we plan to do after taking a few classes you’ll soon realize that although you planned to be a lawyer or doctor, you are more fit to be a writer or musi- cian. We are meant to make mis- takes, we are meant to modify our plans; that’s how revolutions are made. You just can’t be afraid to make the change.
We have been so inex- tricably conditioned to take the
safest path of life; one that will ensure job security, and nice com- fortable life. So we continue on the paths we started as those naïve freshmen, before we got a chance to explore and really understand who we are and what it is that we like to do; this naïve path that we have been conditioned to can lead us to end up miserable.
If you are one of those people that don’t have every- thing all sorted out and you feel out of place in the major that you have chosen, do not be afraid of a change. Pace has endless amounts
of resources for the people just like you and me, who just can’t quite make up their mind. Take classes that are outside of your major requirements. Ones that you never would think you’d like. Join an organization that speaks to you on another level. Meet people outside of your normal so- cial group.
You are a college student and these are the times to mess up a little, get back up and try again. These are the times for you to test the waters and find what you like. It is unbelievably easier to figure
yourself out now than to do it five or ten years from now when you will be out working and starting a life of your own. By then you won’t actually have to make these sorts of mistakes and bounce back from it. By then, the major- ity of us will have traveled, and begun starting families, and that is not the time to make those life altering changes, the time for all of that is now.