For the past few months the news and media outlets have been riddled with talk of the prob- lems that have arisen in the Mid- dle Eastern country of Syria. In these accounts it has been report- ed that conflict has risen between the citizens loyal to the Syr- ian Ba’ath government and rebel forces trying to expel it. Over the past two years, the uprising has evolved from protests to military sieges and most recently, chemical attacks on the rebellion.
The United States is currently debating whether or not to interfere in the Syrian affairs and it is reported that the Congress will make the final decision on Mon. Sept. 9.
First, it should be noted that disagreeing with the decision that is made, contrary to popular belief, is not an attack on Presi- dent Obama or the U.S. Congress’ ability to make a conscious deci- sion. Former President George W. Bush received just as much scru-
tiny when he announced the deci- sion to invade Iraq in early 2003. Secondly, I do think that the U.S. should stay out of the issues in Syria solely because we have our own issues that need to be fixed. While it is true that we don’t have government officials threatening the use of chemical warfare on our citizens, we have interfered in the majority of foreign affairs for the past hundred years, and even though we have risen victorious nearly every time, it has also left our economy in shambles.
The American citizens are already struggling to afford living now; we do not need an- other war added to our debt. It may be completely biased, but we all know what the budget cuts will target when we yet again fail to stay under the budget ceiling at the close of the fiscal year.
As if the problems in Syria not being our business wasn’t enough of a deterring fac- tor, we can also add to the armada of reasons to stay out the fact that we are currently involved in an- other war, and we do not have ad- equate funds to engage in another war without further sending us into the nearly six trillion dollar debt that we already have man- aged to accumulate. The final deterring factor that should top the cake on the heap of an issue is the fact that attacking could launch is into yet another global catastrophe known as a world war.
World War III to be exact; I’m no expert but I have an idea of how that might play out and it isn’t good for anyone.