Life Without the Party

College students indulging in game night. Photo courtesy go google.
The social aspect of college life contributes to a student’s college experience, as much as the academic aspect. For some students, it may weigh heavily on how they like the school one hundred times more than academics do. That includes everything from residential life, clubs, physical fitness, events, and parties. Especially parties!
When making college decisions, one of the most frequently asked questions by students and by parents about social life is, what are the parties like? Incoming students want to know this so they can determine if they would have as much fun as possible should they choose to attend that school.
Pace may not be a well-known party school, but make no mistake about it, townhouse parties can reach different levels of crazy at any given time. However, there are many occasions, usually depending on the time of year, where they won’t be many townhouse parties. If any at all. That is when students take to the streets of Westchester county and find bars and other eye popping events that may take place.
That leaves the rest of the Pace population who is left on campus either because they choose not to go out, have no transportation for both the ride to their destination and a ride back, or have other means preventing them from having a successful time out.
Those students are left to roam around campus finding something to do to make their night what they call “lit.” Nine times out of ten, situations like this fall on Friday night, Saturday night, and Thursday night, when Thirsty Thursday’s make Paulies Bar the place to be.
Campus events are what keep students engaged and intrigued. They allow opportunities for communication and relationship building. Pace’s calendar is filled with events but they usually take place during the week. Other than sporting events there isn’t much offered to students during the weekend and Thursday’s are not a popular day for campus events either.
This means these students are left here with their imagination and creativity to come up with something that keeps them occupied for the nights majority of the campus is missing in action. This is when campus events are critical. If there are events setup for students to partake in they won’t have to worry as much about what there is for them to do when some, if not all, of their friends are out having a good time.
That fear of missing out won’t drag them down as much, and instead of hearing the stories they weren’t a part of they can sit down and tell stories of their own. College is said to be the best four years of your life and it shouldn’t be filled with stories that include you staying in at your dorm watching Netflix while your peers partied until no tomorrow.
Something should be organized on those popular nights so that way those students who don’t go out have events to fall back on to make their nights as interesting and fun as possible. Having events on these nights could also be the determining factor to whether students decide to stay here or not. Once students get that feeling that no matter what night it is if they go out or stay on campus there will always be something to do and that’s what students want. They want to be entertained all the time and who better to do that for them than the school that they attend?
Pace has done an amazing job overall with the events that they put together. There are numerous amounts of them and they do catch the eye of the students. All that is asked is for them to pay a little special attention to those favorite party nights.
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