Living in Style
Breakdown of housing points by credits. Photo taken by Josiah Darnell.
Living on campus is a huge part of the college experience. Students get a chance to get a sense of what it’s like to live on their own, and what it’s like to live with others, if they choose to do so. After making the decision to live on campus, the next step would be choosing where to live. Students don’t want to live just anywhere, and they certainty don’t want to live in what could be considered the worst dorm on campus. They want the best of the best.
We all know that nothing in this world is free. Everything comes at a cost and in order to get the best of the best a price has to be paid. At Pace University that price is housing points. Housing points are the components considered when it comes to choosing a dorm to live in and how early you get to choose that dorm. The more housing points the better.
There are a lot of ways students can earn housing points. The most common way is going to campus held events. Anytime you show up to an event and your Pace Identification card gets swiped, housing points are being added to your name. Athletes are automatically given housing points for the dedication they put in to both school and their team.
Being the head of a club or an organization is another way to get housing points and community service gets you some as well. Once the registration opens up for housing those with the most housing points gets the opportunity to choose first and those with the least fight for whatever’s left over.
To me, housing points are a great way to keep check on who gets the opportunity to go where. It’s fair for everyone and if you didn’t rack up on housing points then it’s your fault. There’s no way anyone can be cheated. The only thing is that housing points are not counted in the spring semester.
Meaning that students can only have what they were involved in for the fall semester. This can be troublesome for athletes whose seasons take place in the fall. They may not have the time nor the energy to participate in a lot of fall events so that hinders their chances of getting more housing points.
I believe that housing points should be considered up until the month prior to housing registration, giving students the most chance at housing point accumulation as possible.
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