How To Navigate Schedule Explorer to Find Learning Community Courses
The attributes box on the schedule explorer page, where the learning community classes can be found.
Learning Community courses have been a part of the required group of classes that creep up late on students when it comes to registering.
Some students were assigned a learning community their freshman year, but if they weren’t and an advisor didn’t help them schedule a learning community course, it becomes easy for that requirement to slip your thought process.
Learning Community classes fall under the ‘Required Learning Experiences’ box for University Core Requirements. Civic Engagement or AOK I [Area of Knowledge I], and Writing Enhanced Courses fall under that category as well. One of the main struggles students have with registering for Learning Community classes is that without guidance, they are unable to find them.
When registering for classes, a box at the bottom right of the schedule explorer page, listed “attributes,” is where students look to find classes outside of their major or minor. The problem is the only subjects that appear are Areas of Knowledge one through five and Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon. Other than that, you don’t see the numerous other categories that you can click on.
In order to find Learning Community courses or any other course outside of the majors and minors, you have to scroll through that box. Otherwise, semester after semester, you will continue to overlook those subjects and you won’t see all the other classes that are available to you.
Now, the catch is, when signing up, you have to sign up for two classes. Learning community classes are two classes that are joined together. If students wanted to take a different route and take only one class, they can take INT classes, which fulfills the learning community requirement.
The goal is usually to get most of the core classes out of the way in the early part of your college career. Learning Community courses are those classes that students tend to forget about because they forget they can scroll through the attributes box. It’s such a simple thing that gets people caught up all the time. I’m even a victim of that.
I didn’t know I could scroll through the attributes box, so I didn’t know where to find the learning community classes. Now five semesters later, I still haven’t fulfilled my learning community requirement. That’s something I would’ve like to gotten out of the way much earlier.
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