The Pleasantville campus, whilst having a relatively small student population, has a vibrant and diverse array of successful student-run organizations and clubs.
In alphabetical order, this is a list of ten student organizations on campus you should know about:
1. Asian Student Union (ASU)
Asian Student Union (ASU), won the 2024 Blue & Golds Organization of the Year award. According to their Settersync page, the Asian Student Union exists to “connect students of Asian descent to their ethnic origins and allow them to share their culture with their fellow students.”
Last spring, the club hosted fifteen events, including bi-weekly general body meetings for the club’s members. ASU can be spotted tabling in Kessel doing giveaways or collaborating with other organizations to hold larger events that relate to Asian culture. Last semester, ASU collaborated with the Programming Board to host a Holi event on March 20th.

This semester, ASU has already announced a couple of events on Settersync. On September 9th, ASU will collaborate with Cosmetology Club for DIY Lipgloss Keychains. On September 23rd, ASU will hold a Mid-Autumn Festival with activities such as bamboo jars and painting dragons Among other events, they will hold a Diwali celebration on October 22nd.
If ASU and these events interest you, follow them on Instagram, @asupaceplv, to keep updated.
2. Black Student Union (BSU)
Pace Pleasantville’s Black Student Union is an active contributor to the Pace community, holding campus events and weekly meetings for members of the Pace community to discuss and share their experiences or voice concerns. According to BSU’s Settersync page, the organization’s mission is to “create a safe and empowering community that gives a voice to black and brown students on campus”.
Although BSU has not yet shared information about upcoming events for the fall semester at the time that this article is written, weekly meetings and large-scale events will be sure to pop up on their Settersync page.
Last semester, the organization held 11 events, including their general meetings. Most recently was the “End of The Year Cookout”, which happened on May 1st and was a collaboration between BSU and RHA (Resident Hall Association). On April 29th, BSU held a Black Excellence Dinner, which was a semi-formal event that celebrated the achievements of the organization as well as the achievements of black students on campus.
The Black Student Union can also be spotted tabling on campus, giving away products related to or information about black culture. On March 12th, the organization hosted a “Kinks, Coils, & Curls” tabling event, where the members shared information about beauty products for curls, and gave them away.
Follow BSU on Instagram, @pace_bsu, to stay updated.
3. Chroma
Chroma, Pace Pleasantville’s only Literary & Arts Magazine, meets once a week and prints a magazine once a semester. According to Chroma’s Settersync page, “The mission of CHROMA: Literary & Arts Magazine is to create a vibrant on campus community of writers, thinkers, and artists. “
Chroma has posted its weekly meetings on Settersync for the upcoming semester, but no other events yet.
The club has had many successful magazine launches, with the most recent Issue VII launched on April 12th. Issue VII’s launch event was Bridgerton-themed, featuring readings from the featured writers and poets in the magazine, as well as food and drink. This launch was a collaboration with Pace Programming.
Chroma collaborated with Pace Media Zone (PMZ) on March 15th to present “Get a Clue”, an immersive murder mystery theater experience that included buffet-style food and drinks, and waiters wearing fake mustaches greeting the dinner guests. According to Chroma’s Settersync page, “our cast stars as the alumni of the (now disbanded) Pace Shakespeare Society having their annual dinner party. However, the morning of the party, their president is found killed in their home. …But they already rented the room and paid for catering so the party goes on. The seven remaining members, including their old advisor, attend the party. They all have secrets, some more deadly than others. As the night goes on, the secrets come out, words and knives fly, and not everyone will make it out alive. It’s up to the party’s patrons to solve this case. “
Coming September 20th, Chroma will collaborate with Nature for a “Hike and Write” event, where students can go on a group hike through the Pace woods trails and are invited to express their creativity in whatever medium they prefer.
Follow Chroma on Instagram, @chroma.pace, to stay updated.
4. Commuter Advisory Board

Attention commuters! The Commuter Advisory Board is a student-run organization that exists as a community for commuter students. The board hosts a variety of events throughout the year for commuters, as well as a dedicated week each semester “Commuter Appreciation Week” where the organization hosts events for commuters daily.
Last semester, on May 7th, the organization collaborated with the Programming Board for a “De-Stress” event, complete with a petting zoo and food. On May 1st, the Board hosted a “Slime and Sandwiches” event, where attendees could make slime and enjoy sandwiches from Rocky’s Deli. On April 17th held a “Build a Study Buddy” event in collaboration with Setters Leadership Initiative, where attendees chose a spring animal to stuff and keep.
Although the Commuter Advisory Board has not posted any new events for the fall semester at the time this article is written, they will likely hold plenty of events.
keep an eye out for postings on Settersync, or on their Instagram, @pacecommuterboard.
5. Cosmetology Club
The Cosmetology Club is for all things makeup and beauty. The club teaches members different makeup techniques and holds events to DIY makeup. The Cosmetology has also collaborated with other clubs to do makeup for an event. According to Cosmetology Club’s Settersync page, “The Pace University Cosmetology Club seeks to create a comfortable environment where students can integrate their studies with their interest in cosmetic beauty and self-care.”
Last semester, Cosmetology Club collaborated with SOCA (Students of Carribbean Awareness) for SOCA’s “Reggae Rhythms Runway” where the club was responsible for makeup.

On April 25th, the club had a guest speaker, Cosmetic Nurse Josy Cash who owns a cosmetic clinic in Connecticut. Cash spoke about the nuances of the industry and how to be successful in cosmetic nursing. On April 22nd, Cosmetology Club held a “DIY lip gloss & keychains” event, where attendees could customize their own lip gloss. On September 14th, Cosmetology Club will host another DIY Lip gloss Keychain event. According to the Settersync description of the event, the first 30 who RSVP will be guaranteed first pick of name-brand lip glosses.
On September 26th, the club will host a Bedazzling event. Attendees will be able to bedazzle phone cases, mirrors, cosmetics, etc; the clubs will provide all supplies, but outside objects are encouraged as well.
Follow the Cosmetology Club on Instagram, @paceplvcosmetology to stay updated.
6. Hip Hop Dance Club (HHDC)
Pace Pleasantville has a small amount of performing arts clubs, with Hip Hop Dance Club (HHDC) being the largest. The Hip Hop Dance Club is also the only dance-related club on campus.
The Club meets once a week for dance classes to practice routines and work on individual technique and rhythm. According to their Settersync page, “The Hip-Hop Dance Club aims to add culture and diversity to campus through the art of dance.”
Being a member of the HHDC gives dancers opportunities to perform. Last semester, the club held auditions for dancers for the “Reggae Rhythms Runway” as well as auditions to perform as a group at campus events. The Hip Hop Dance Club performed as an opener to the musicians performing at the concert. They also perform at at the 2024 Spring Fest.
The club also hosted two movie nights last semester, the first movie they showed was “Take The Lead” on March 20th, and then in a collaboration with Pace Media Zone, they showed “In The Heights” on the lawn on April 11th.
HHDC has not yet announced events for the next semester, but stay tuned to their Settersync and follow their Instagram, @pace_hhdc.
7. One Pace

One Pace is a Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) oriented organization, aimed at cultural education through events such as art exhibits, film watch parties, trivia, and DIY activities. According to One Pace’s Settersync page, their mission is, “to foster a connected, inclusive, and vibrant campus community where every voice matters.”
Last semester, One Pace was the host of a few large-scale events, and some smaller ones. On April 14th, One Pace hosted the annual Culture Festival on Miller Lawn, with 25 other clubs and university organizations hosting their own table within the festival. The tables featured a wide array of giveaways and DIYs, many relating to culture. The festival was the largest collaboration of student organizations of the year.
In collaboration with the Office of Multicultural Affairs,One Pace also hosted 3 performances of “Our Lady of 121st Street”, a play by Stephen Adly Guirgis, at Arc Stages in Pleasantville April 12th-13th.
On March 8th, One Pace hosted a “Women’s Wellness Workshop”, which featured expert-led discussions and interactive activities aimed at teaching women self care and empowerment. This workship was co-hosted by the Office of Sexual and Interpersonal Wellness.
One Pace will host a Trivia Night on September 11th, with a grand prize of two Comic Con tickets. On September 17th, they will host a “College 101” discussion about all things college. They encourage all students to join, no matter what year. They will also have ID cases and keychains students can personalize. On September 18th, they will hold their monthly watch party at Pace Perk Cafe.
Follow One Pace on Instagram to stay updated, @onepaceplv.
8. Partnership of Women for Empowerment and Respect (POWER)
POWER, a feminism-focused student organization on campus, gives a space to female students by holding events for and advocating for women’s health and wellbeing. According to their Settersync page, “POWER (Partnership of Women for Empowerment and Respect) promotes intersectional feminism through weekly discussions, activism, advocacy, and education. We strive to support, challenge and encourage women by creating a safe space”
Last semester, POWER held 15 events. On May 1st, POWER held a “Mother’s Day Craft Night” in a collaboration with NATURE. On April 18th, they hosted a movie night in collaboration with ASU to watch “Crazy Rich Asians.”
On September 18th, POWER will host their first event of the year, “Self Care Isn’t Selfish” a self-care product giveaway. On September 20th, POWER will hold a “POWER-Point Presentations” event, where attendees can create and deliver a presentation on whatever topic they choose. This event will feature food and will be a collaboration with WPAW (Pace Audio World).
Follow POWER on Instagram to stay updated, @poweratpace.
9. Pride at Pace
Pride at Pace is a student-run organization focused on LGBTQ+ topics and community. Pride hosts a mix between discussion-based events and activities-based events for all students. Pride at Pace meets bi-weekly for open meetings to discuss topics relevant to the LGBTQ+ community at Pace, as well as planning for future events.
Last semester, Pride at Pace held 13 events, including their annual “Sexology” event on April 9th, a collaboration with One Pace and the Office of Sexual and Interpersonal Wellness. At “Sexology”, the organization shares information and resources relating to safe sex, as well as giving away sex toys to promote sexual awareness. They also hosted an “Anti-Prom” on April 7th; offering a safe space for students to dress up for a semi-formal event. The event celebrated liberation for LGBT individuals, as well as giving away banned LGBT books to attendees.
On September 9th, Pride at Pace will hold a kickoff event on Kessel lawn, complete with tie-dye and Pride at Pace merchandise. On November 6th, Pride will host “Fabulosity 2024” which will give students the opportunity to perform in drag or watch performances.
Follow Pride at Pace on Instagram to stay updated, @pace_pride.
10. Pace Audio World (WPAW)

Pace Audio World (WPAW) is Pace Pleasantville’s radio station. The radio station is not currency on air, but the future is bright for WPAW. The radio station does audio and visual work at Pace events, DJing Pace events and doing video work as well.
According to WPAW’s Settersync page, their mission is “to create a comfortable environment where students learn to serve the broadcast and communication needs of the Pace community while training members in the technical, program, management and sales aspects of broadcasting.”
WPAW has hosted a few events in addition to their audio and visual work and weekly meetings, WPAW hosted their second annual haunted house last October in Willcox Hall; home of the MCVA department. This year’s haunted house has been announced for October 24th and 25th. The Haunted House will be a collaboration between WPAW, Pace Book Club and Tabletop Club.
On April 4th, they hosted a songwriting workshop night, and on March 21st Broadway karaoke.
Follow WPAW on Instagram to stay updated, @WPAW.

To find further information about any of the clubs or events mentioned above, visit their Settersync pages. or visit them at the involvement fair! The campus involvement fair will take place on September 11th at noon, so be sure to stop by these clubs and organizations tables.
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