In 2011, Pace was listed by Newsweek as the #14 party school in the country. Thisde- scription seems to express an image of all students raging together in harmony. But when students walk into Paulie’s, the Wilcox gym, or aimlessly wan- der around the townhouse par- ties, it is evident that the campus is not so unified.
In the past several years, Pace has become increasingly more diverse, however, the ste- reotypical profiles of students at the surrounding party venues are still very homogenous.
Senior information technolo- gies major Gina Pittore said, “People in general want to hang out with people they can relate to.”
Even during campus-wide outings like Townhouse Day, one can’t help but notice the lack of culture meshing.
“The townhouses definitely
have the most diversity in eth- nicity as opposed to Wilcox par- ties and the bars,” senior finance major Mike Metesan said.
In a poll of Pace students, these perceptions seemed to be unanimously made: Caucasian students go to Paulie’s or Mi- chaels, African American and Hispanic students go to Victor’s or Wilcox parties, and the town- houses are considered to be the melting pot.
Wilcox parties commonly receive a bad reputation from students.
“I’ve never been to a Wilcox party and I don’t really think I’ll ever get around to it,” junior nursing major Sara Annese said.
This stigma about Wilcox parties is usually in reference to high freshmen attendance.
Senior information technolo- gies major Gregory Stevenson acknowledged this generaliza- tion, but felt optimistic about recent events.
“Wilcox parties have defi- nitely improved since the last time I went, and it seems like it’s only going to get better,” Stevenson said.