Parking Lot F Spots Closing: Expect Shifted Parking Availability

Taylor Longenberger, News Editor

Master Plan construction caused parking in Lot F to be closed off in order to work on the renovating fields in front of the Vineyard building yesterday.

The Master Plan construction team presented at the Student Government Association Senate meeting on Friday in order to notify students of the yesterday’s parking lot closing and an update was made on the Master Plan app to inform faculty, staff, and other Pace goers.

Due to the renovation of the fields, roughly 400 truckloads of material will be moving to the new area on campus over the next few weeks, with expected 40-50 trucks per day.

“Spots will be lost temporarily during this whole process in order to maintain safety and the contractors will be trying not to mix in with campus traffic,” the Master Plan Site for the Pleasantville Campus Team said.

All traffic should be in lots F and D should be exiting the campus via Miller circle and proceeding to exit 2. They expect 40-50 trucks a day going back and forth.

Vehicular traffic on west side of campus will shift until end of December and should resume normal directional functioning after winter break.