This article is on the topic of on-campus involvement and school/town relations. For the article about academics, the article about student life, and the article about infrastructure, head to our News Section.
Involvement on Campus
President Krislov spoke highly of Pace’s Pleasantville campus. He sang praises for the traditional style and layout. However, he expressed regret about visiting less now as opposed to the beginning of his term as President of the University.
“ I Like coming to Pleasantville. I have enjoyed teaching and I like participating. I would like to do more in Pleasantville[…] Part of the challenge is that it is quite difficult to go back and forth between Pleasantville and the city. And it its, the traffic is unpredictable.”
The President additionally expressed regret at some inefficiencies of the inter-campus shuttle. He expressed discomfort riding the Metro North Train, specifically when departing Grand Central Terminal. President Krislov recalled missing the coin toss for a Pace Football game earlier in his tenure that convinced him to drive between campuses long term.
Sticking to campus, the inactivity of the tennis court was a thing of disappointment to him. He recognized its casual use in tennis games and more frequently as a skate park. President Krislov declared willingness to repurpose the court or its rebuilding as tennis-specific. He believed the effort should be student-led and driven. Nonetheless, “The door is wide open.”
Pleasantville-Pace Relations
On the topic of the relationship between Pace University and the town of Pleasantville, NY President Krislov had all positives to say. He recalled in 2017 the use of the lawn area for a historical event.
“My first summer here we did the probably the best community event we’ve done which was to have everyone on the lawn watch the eclipse,” he said in reference to The Great American Eclipse of August 2017.
Elsewhere, President Krislov spoke briefly of his relationship with town officials, specifically being in contact with Pleasantville mayor Peter Scherer. He confirmed he attended some of the town meetings when they occurred. The president has overheard from some stores in town willing to but struggling to hire Pace students.
Namely, President Krislov hailed the relationship The Jacob Burns Film Center has built with the school. He recalled tickets made available to staff members and raffled off to students on multiple occasions and referenced their ad in the Chronicle’s Fall 2023 issue.
Performing Arts
The topic of conversation remained on activities, this time to performing arts. President Krislov confirmed there are no plans to build a performing arts center here in Pleasantville similar to one at One Pace Plaza. To remedy this, he suggested several places around campus. His final example was the Goldstein Athletic Center recalling its previous use for Springfest Concerts.
The President acknowledged the performance of “Jesus Hopped the A Train” last spring at Arc Stages and caught wind of positive reviews from students and other staff members who saw it. He expressed his good wishes for the upcoming “Our Lady of 121st Street” premiering on April 12 and hopes it will establish a new full-time club with Student Government. President Krislov recalled the depth of equipment within the MCVA Lab as part of what will help its legitimacy.
Common Hour
President Krislov answered a student’s question concerning the scheduling of common hours. He immediately declared the establishment of time and date was not in his power. However, has heard multiple complaints from the Laboratories staff. The President declared himself aware of scheduling conflicts and of the upcoming worries of the week-long break in late April.