Let’s Talk About John Wrench For President (And Then Elect Him)

Emily Wolfrum, Editor-in-Chief

Every A to B conversation can be broken down into a simple formula: statement and response. You approach your friend or professor with a problem; they listen, and then provide feedback. A conversation is had. This process is effortless and effective, yet opportunities for conversation are missed every day, namely within our student body and its government. How often do students feel as if they do not have a voice, or fail to see a response when their needs have been expressed?

Like this basic formula, presidential candidate John Wrench’s platform is simple—gauge student needs (statement) and organize a committee to address them (response). Essentially, let’s open up the conversation.

Wrench proposes within his presidential statement the implementation of a “student-driven advocacy program,” an effort which reaches beyond the formality of senate and budget meetings, and, quite simply, talks to the students.

I spoke to Wrench about this idea one night while he was working at the Pace Perk in Briarcliff. Simultaneously, a fellow editor of mine was speaking to a table of snacking students for an article, asking them about their ideas and needs on campus. Wrench pointed to the table. “This is what I want to do,” he said. Wrench further explained how the conversation taking place between the newspaper editor and the ordinary, uninvolved students epitomized his vision for Student Government Association (SGA) next year.

Wrench noted the comfortable setting in which the students were speaking and how easily their requests could be met. Mere cafeteria conversation could truly assess student interest, so that the plans of SGA would be customized for the diverse body they serve.

In speaking with Wrench, even in a relaxed environment like the Pace Perk, I noticed a pattern in his responses within our A to B conversation. He inferred a rich understanding and genuine knowledge of every idea, and sought to provide a both comprehendible and intelligent solution. He displayed a very equal and generous effort in listening and responding to each problem no matter how seemingly trivial, a quality which will undoubtedly translate to his effectiveness as president.

These listening and responding skills are reflected in Wrench’s other platform points, namely the extension of library hours and a solution to the diminishing financial aid options for students.

In specifically addressing these two student-proposed issues, Wrench shows an understanding for the needs of students and a proactive interest in responding to them. Further, this acknowledgement provides grounds for discussing these issues, initiating conversations which otherwise may not have taken place.

Stepping outside the campaign, just talking to John (and I use his first name here with endearment) is an interaction many students can attest as being effortless. His speech perfectly combines clarity and brilliance with a very personable and relatable ease, so that his vast knowledge and deep thought is understood but not boasted.

John genuinely engages with the students around him and cares about them as people, going out of his way to greet them and ask them about their day. He is rational and unbiased, treating each problem individually and with great attention. It is because of this compassion and charisma that he channeled the largest write-in response during last year’s SGA elections.

I, like many at Pace, have the distinct honor of calling John a friend, and it is with great pleasure that I urge all students to call him their president.