Moving On In


Alumni’s week of welcome 2018 look. Photo courtesy of instagram @pacealumnihall.

Josiah Darnell, Opinion Editor

Move-in day is always a bittersweet moment for an individual who chooses to live on campus, whether it be for a parent or the student them self. It is the point in time where a student’s dependency on their home life becomes limited and a parent’s trust in their child is at an absolute high.

In situations like this, organization is essential because it sets parent’s emotions at ease. When parents see that an event like move-in day is handled in a professional and upscale manner they will be calmer when it’s time to say goodbye for the new semester.

Pace’s preparation for move-in day was in effect long before students arrived on campus. The weekend prior to move-in, the parking lots behind Martin, Elm, and North were closed so that athletes with early move-in who had cars wouldn’t occupy the spots necessary for students who were moving in.

On the actual move-in day, new students received a certain time on when to come on campus and start the beginning of their new school year. That way everyone wouldn’t overwhelm the campus all at once. RA’s, athletes, and any other available students on campus were given a shift to help freshman move in. They were aware of their shift at least twenty-four hours ahead of time so there was no confusion on who should be where.

Once the freshman had all of their items transferred to their room, their parents were asked to move their car to a vacant lot by entrance three in order to clear a spot for the next student beginning their transition.

After moving to the lot by entrance three, a shuttle was provided to transport parents from their cars and back to Alumni to get their child better situated. Pace handled move-in day to the best of their ability; every part of the day was carefully planned out so that it would run as smoothly as possible.

Each year, the move-in day has to improve because the number of the students that enroll continues to rise. Despite the amount of planning, traffic was still an inevitable issue. That, along with the unexpected amount of students, contributed to the frustration many had with move-in.

The frustration only continued when students and parents saw how many triples made their way into the dorms of Alumni and North.