Young, Broke, and Fabulous

Dorm Bathroom Cleanliness

Young, Broke, and Fabulous

Catharine Conway, Opinion Editor

Imagine this scenario.

It’s a Friday night, otherwise known as Townhouse night, and a crowd of bumbling girls comes waltzing into their respective dorm with more than a few drinks in their systems. They try to continue the party in their rooms, but their bodies begin to reject the alcohol.

With only a limited amount of bathrooms and stalls in the communal style buildings, accidents tend to happen.

The end all-be all result is that the next morning or even a few days later when the new school week begins, our university janitors have to deal with the unpleasant mess. God bless those wonderful people, always cleaning up after students day after day. Some would say that it is their job to clean up after the residents. However, others would say that it takes a very special person to handle the mess of college students on a daily basis.

But how could the daily mess be forgotten? All of the hair in the showers, forgetting to flush the toilet after taking care of business and putting trash in the garbage can are just a few examples of how college students “take care” of their environment.

A normal child learns to flush a toilet as a toddler. I am sure that serious offense would be taken if someone referred to a student as a toddler.

No wonder buildings like Dow, New Dorm, and the Townhouses are so popular. They have their own bathrooms paired with a shower and lots of counter space. What a deal, huh?

The only draw back with those situations is that the residents have to clean the bathrooms themselves. But that’s not such a bad thing. The invention and creation of Scrubbing Bubbles and the college section of Bed Bath & Beyond really helps out the college generation in the cleaning department.

So all in all, here are some suggestions.

1. Girls, pick up the hair. It will make a pleasant experience for all involved.

2. To the general public: Flush the toilets. Use the trash room for food and otherwise. Use good judgment when out enjoying the weekend’s festivities.

All residents and every Resident Assistant on campus will be eternally grateful.