Three Reasons Textbooks Should be Banned From College


Nihal Al Qawasmi, Opinion Editor

Forget an article, I can literally write a novel about why textbooks should be banned from college campuses. However, I’ll just spare you all and give you my top three reasons instead. Holler if you feel me!

  1. They’re freaking expensive

Period. That’s it. Do I need to say more? Hold on I will, just in case the message wasn’t received. We — the college students – are struggling hardcore. The “college budget” lifestyle isn’t even a real budget because there’s zero money involved. On top of that, we’re paying thousands (literally thousands) of dollars to get a higher education from an institution. Not from intolerable textbooks that cost the amount of 1 credit at Pace.

  1. We never use them

I’ve lost count of how many times I actually bought or rented a textbook that was so-called “required,” only to flip the cover once or twice at most. You all know the drill, you get the syllabus the first day of class, and the professor strictly emphasizes the section about the “required” textbook. You huff and puff, but you start to question the reality of the situation. Is it worth it? Will we really use it? Will I need it for the exam? Or is just for some classwork once or twice? Then, you ultimately make the decision and just take the risk. I avoid textbooks at all costs.

  1. They don’t help

Unless you’re a science major, I don’t know one time I opened a textbook for class and wasn’t left more confused about the material than before. I mean if reading textbooks were the most effective way of learning then would people really go into debt trying to learn the material from actual qualified professors and classwork? I think not. Sure, they can be useful as references at home depending on the topic, but most of the time, they just complicate things.

Have your own reasons for why we should ban textbooks from college? Let me know and I’ll turn this post into a series. Let our voices be heard!