Movie Review: Get Out

The new horror movie “Get Out” has swept the nation and caused quite a stir. The movie, written and directed by Jordan Peele, addresses important racial and social commentary.

It has received glowing reviews from a wide range of viewers and if you don’t believe me, check out the 29,000 plus reviews on Rotten Tomatoes that have kept the movie at a 99-100 percent rating on the Tomatometer since its release on Feb. 24.

The movie centers around African-American, up and coming photographer, Chris Washington, who is going on a weekend trip with his white girlfriend, Rose Armitage, to meet her family, who doesn’t know that he is black.

During the visit, her parents, Missy and Dean, are very welcoming and a bit too happy to find out that their daughter is dating a black man, which raises a bit of suspicion.

Especially since the only other black people within miles are the help, Walter and Georgina, who have very strange behaviors like running around the house at top speed and staring at your own reflection for hours on end. As the weekend progresses, a number of disturbing instances take place leading to the ultimate discovery that leaves Chris trying to fight his way out.

This movie is Peele’s, from the comedy duo Key & Peele, first solo-written and directorial project.

Peele’s motivation for the movie came during the 2012 Presidential election while watching Obama and Hillary Clinton go head to head for the Democratic nomination, he started thinking of the gender and racial civil rights movements.

“That’s what opened my mind, with “The Stepford Wives” and “Rosemary’s Baby,” films that successfully tackle gender politics and do it in an entertaining way. I was validated that there was a way to tackled race and horror in a similar way,” Peele said in an interview with Business Insider.

There is a bit of controversy surrounding the movie, however. Specifically, coming from white people who don’t appreciate being painted as villains of a horror movie.

Welcome to this episode of ‘How the Other Half Lives,’ so glad you could join us. The fact that one can sit through the movie and only be upset about people that look like them being the bad guys honestly boggles the mind.

While the movie is a horror film about racism, it comes at the topic in a different direction and isn’t preaching. Unlike one would expect, the villains of this story aren’t secret members of the KKK, which would make it far too easy to deal with what was happening. The characters are tolerant liberals who would’ve voted for Obama’s third term, love black celebrities, and appreciate and “connect” with black culture – or, in other words, white people who couldn’t be racist because they admire Black culture without having actually encountered black people.

“Get Out” has been recognized by many people, but most notably by recent Grammy winner, Chance the Rapper, who following a series of tweets raving about the movie, bought out all the tickets for the movie on Sunday, February 26th, at a theatre in his hometown of Chicago for fans to go see the movie for free.

Overall, this movie is a must see, so drop what you’re doing and go. “Get Out” is the perfect movie for people who aren’t fans of scary movies because while it does have a few gory scenes, the fear doesn’t necessarily stem from violence, but from the unease, the main character feels in a place where he is outnumbered. Don’t let the term ‘horror’ scare you out of seeing this movie.