SOCA Hosts the Seven Deadly Sins at Fashion Show

Simone Johnson, Columnist

Last Saturday the Students of Caribbean Awareness (SOCA) ended Caribash Week, a celebration of Caribbean culture, with a provocative fashion show called the “Seven Deadly Sins.”

22 models donned the creations of ten designers, some of whom were of Caribbean descent.

SOCA, whose members proudly hail from Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad, Haiti, Cuba, Antiga and other Caribbean countries opened the show with Envy, Sloth, Greed, and Wrath.

Designers included Between Heaven and Hudson, T.G. Bascombe, Living the Dream Apparel, Vacaboun, F.A.M (Forever About Money) and OSOM. Lust followed with steamy Taqiyya Mone’t’s Swimwear and Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry. The show ended with Gluttony and Pride, with Sunshine Creations and Carnival Costumes respectively.

During the intermission there was a tribute and moment of silence to remember Pace student and defensive back football player, Danroy “DJ” Henry Jr., who was killed October 17, 2010. A senior Megan Haye reminisced about when she knew DJ her freshmen year, commenting on his personality and smile.

“DJ will never be forgotten,” said Haye, ending the tribute by asking audience members to think about justice.

Caribash Week also included Zumba Night, Caribbean Jeaprody, and “Don’t Forget the Lyrics.”

“I want people to know that anybody of any ethnicity is welcome to join SOCA” sophomore applied psychology major and SOCA secretary Melissa Adolphe said.

Adolphe also described ideas that the club has for next semester.

“I want to do more fundraising and give back to different places in the Caribbean, like Haiti especially, because they are still suffering from the earthquake in 2010,” Adolphe said. “Also,[ I want to see] more events that will encourage all ethnicities of the Pace community to attend and understand the Caribbean culture more.”

Adolphe will serve as the future SOCA president for the 2014-2015 academic year.