Construction Safety Concern Brought to Attention


Parked construction vehicles have been blocking car traffic both up and down the Office of Student Assistance (OSA) parking lot causing unsafe circumstances for driving.

Based on concern that was posed at the Town Hall meeting on Thur., Oct. 16, the safety with construction of an intersection on campus was raised.

Many students and faculty have witnessed hazardous driving situations and several close encounters with cars at the intersection between the roads on the campus that run from the Goldstein Fitness Center in front of Paton House, and the road that comes down the hill from the OSA parking lot.

Students have also voiced concern regarding the construction vehicles as they block the pedestrian path that runs down the OSA hill to the lower part of the campus.

According to local officials, the issue was brought to the attention of the Dean of Students Lisa Bardill Moscaritolo, who assured the audience of the Town Hall meeting that the concern would be addressed.

Head of Safety and Security, Vincent Beatty, was asked to bring the danger to the attention of the construction company.

“The issue has been addressed with the contractor and construction company hired by Pace,” Beatty said.

The construction company hired for the Master Plan is not the same as the construction company hired through Pace to work on the Environmental center. The contractor that was working on the roof of Paton Barn and work on the Environmental Center and his vehicle was parked blocking the roadway.

Vehicles of the construction workers have been asked to remain in the lots that are designated to them in order to help prevent the blockage of roadways on campus.